The holidays are an important time for many. It’s a time when you get together with the people that you love; even those long lost cousins you forgot existed. You know who I’m talking about.

Aside from the awkward interactions with said cousins, and the occasional family feuds, my excitement for the holidays stems from me coordinating and putting on the gatherings. I like being able to control the food, drinks, and overall atmosphere of the parties, while hosting the ones I love.

What I can’t control, unfortunately, is getting sick. Nor do I put up with it. There’s just something about the holidays where I refuse to be away from the unmissable moments. Call it ‘Holiday FOMO’ (fear of missing out) or whatever you like, I’m simply not a fan and I’m sure most of you can relate.

Since this is always a concern of mine, I do my best leading up to the holidays to make sure I’m feeling as healthy as possible. Of course that isn’t always enough, so here are a few things I like to do that helps reassure a great holiday season. Read them below if you too are team #NoSickDays.

Keep DayQuil close-by

Say it with me: #NoSickDays. Vicks DayQuil has been my savior more times than I can count. There’s nothing worse than waking up with a full day of fun activities with your family planned, and you feel like you want to crawl back into your bed and sleep the day off.

Closeup of DayQuil Severe tablets

I recommend keeping DayQuil by your side. It’s non-drowsy, so you won’t have to worry about feeling tired, and it will tackle any coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, or stuffy head you might have. Pretty much covers everything that would stop you from having a good day with your loved ones.

Exercise regularly

Around the holidays we tend to get a bit lazy when it comes to our fitness. I’ve found that by keeping a solid workout plan and sticking to it gave me more energy and had me overall feeling more healthy. Not to mention feel less guilty about that extra piece of pie I planned on having.

Exercising also helps you sleep better at night, which just so happens to be my next tip:

Get enough sleep

This may sound like a given, but do yourself a favor and skip your late night binge watching for after the holidays. There’s nothing worse than feeling sick and icky because you decided to not give your body the rest it needed. If, and only if you are having trouble sleeping because you’re in the thick of a nasty cold, I recommend Vicks NyQuil. In fact, I swear by it. It’s the only thing I can use to get a proper night’s sleep when I have a cold.

NyQuil for a Good Night's sleep

Thanks to Vicks DayQuil, I can be certain I won’t miss the unmissable moments in the kitchen with my mom, or playing with my niece AJ, or playing holiday games with my friends.

I would love to hear some of your unmissable moments. Share yours on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook using the hashtag #NoSickDaysSweepstakes for a chance to win a Canon digital camera and Vicks prize pack. Don’t forget to tag @JoesDaily & @NyQuilDayQuil in your posts.